Sunday 28 July 2013


To all the loyalists/pro-Union bigots that are currently liking this page and mouthing off... (Prick, Cunt, Wanker, TERRORIST!! just the same insults being posted again and again it would seen, yawn) Who are you loyal to? the English Crown? the English motherland? Do you bow down to the Queen that Rules & lives in the country i live in? Do you love the English Army? Well im sorry to say, you do not have as much support in ENGLAND as you think? Sure, all the far right knuckle dragging fascist boneheads all love you... But they also love Hitler and hate anyone who is not WHITE! so yeah, i guess you should be happy, that the ones that you are Loyal to, some like you back... just a shame they are all rapists, racists and drug addicts.... GET A CLUE, no self respecting English man supports your loony-toon crazy ass "Culture" .... Its time your "Culture" was retired and something to be read in the history books, you are 300 years behind, not only the mainland, but the rest of the World!

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