Sunday 28 July 2013

I (Penny)

I (Penny) speak to the Irish Republicans i know, Irish men and woman, my friends, who live in England, and those i speak to on Facebook daily, and indeed comment on ERUI, the Republican movement seems very progressive, and does change with the times, and in contrast to that the basics of the Loyalist that are very out of date, fill with Hatred, bigotry, and does not Represent the people of the rest of the "British" isles what so ever, even though the Loyalist believes that that England supports them, and they honour England with the Loyalist show of "Britishness", apart from the far Right, the average Englishman/woman has moved with the times, its no longer about "Queen & Empire", we dont line our streets with Union Flags or St Georges Cross (sorting evens are an exception) When i've see streets in Belfast and all the Union flags everywhere, it reminds me of when i was young, and my walls were covered in Take That posers, i loved them but did they ever love me back?... if they had seen my room, they may have said i was a "saddo"?, especially at the age of 21

The average English person is more Interested in the arrival of the "Royal Baby" because of the media hype and the "celebrity" status of the Royal Family at the moment, the Royals are celebrities... Who really would "Bow" to these people any more, who would "Bow" to anyone? are we not all equal? They are celebrities now that is all, not people to be worshipped because of past glories, imperialist conquests, and an "Nobel" bloodline. England is a country obsessed with Big Brother and that Jungle program, X-Factor and Britains Got Talent, the queen's Jubilee and the Olympics put the Royals in the big frame once again (the TV frame) as soon as nothing interesting happens with them for a while, No scandals, No Weddings, No one will care any more, the average Joe or Jane, will only be worried with who will win X-Factor 2014...

Just note, im not saying all English are brainless and just watch TV all day, i mean the people that say "i love the Queen", does not love the Queen for the same reason the average Loyalist does... Would a Loyalist jump in-front of a bullet to protect "Her Highness"? Would Dave from down the road who's having a pint in the "Black Bull Pub" in East London do the same? maybe he would(?) as its a human instinct to protect others... but would he do it out of pure love and respect for "Her Highness"? WOULD BE FUCK!!!! "I am a Citizen, not a Subject"

For a lot of the English now its about Moving forward, Equality, Freedom, Dignity, Education and Expecting other cultures, religions and people, we are an multicultural society now, some grudgingly expect that (Centre-Left), others embrace that (the Left), but its not about who country is the most powerful, who owns most of the world's resources and lands...

Im talking about citizens here, not the Westminster, but thats a whole other story/rant... Our current government got in on a sham of an election...

Not hanging onto a shell of an Empire... Sometimes i think we are living half in the modern world, and half in the dark ages... BNP-NF, OO-UVF, EDL-and the so called WelshDL(?), UKIP, and even the Tories, do NOT represent the average person in this country and the countries of these isles....

Anyway, Ireland remember we stand beside you! Loyalist just who are you loyal to?

Thank you *Penny

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