Sunday 28 July 2013


English Republicans for a United Ireland II

would like to say;

We sometimes get things wrong, or use the wrong words... please have some patience with us We are English Republicans, we did not grow up in Ireland, we did not learn all the histories from a young age, nothing was mentioned in schools, or on the TV, in fact we all grew up hearing jokes mocking the Irish, and our folks telling us how amazing Britain is, and how we need to respect the Royals, because they are somehow "Special", and how the British Empire "civilised" the world, with no mention of murder and killing, just "Tea" Companies and trade... [ ]

As we grew up and become adults, we started to form opinions of our own, we learnt right from wrong & saw this "British State" in not the same rose tinted glasses our parents did...

We support a United Ireland, and Independence for the countries that make up this outdated "Union" ... but we never pretend to know it all how can we, we are English. If we make a mistake, please correct us, if we say something that is offensive, we apologise... remember we are always learning 

Our posts are never going to be worded as if we are Irish Republicans, because we are not, We learn from talking to people, and knowing people who have protested for freedoms denied by the English(British) state/crown... Be that, the Irish man down the local Pub, or a family member who was born and grew up in Dublin.

As we have always said "EDUCATE don't CRITICISE" 

Much love, Penny x


I'm going to post this EVERYDAY, just to get the message across to the Loyalist & that keep calling me a Protestant hater & a Bigot.... I am not Catholic, i was brought up (some say dragged up) a Protestant, so by your logic, i hate my family whom are mostly Church Of England - Baptist (my Gran later converted Mormon, but we wont go into that just now) This page is NOT, see the capitalised not? This page is NOT about Religion or Faith. Its about Irish Unity, Living on these isles free from the Royals, Independences for the counties of these isles free from London rule (We don't mind London running England, Even though they are a bunch of shits, a left wing government would be nice, not the fucking Tories), We opposed Right Wing Facist Boneheads and promote Socialism! We also support the Palestinians plight, and Independence movements around the world.... 

and to those Loylists who call me a "traitor" to ENGLAND... i am not traitor, i am English, England has moved on with the times, "Traitor", no i represent the decent people of my country of birth. You are seeing England through 50 year old specks.

The Admins of this page are all born in England, some are of the Protestant some are not, Some are Religious some are not.... We would just like to say, the OrangeOrder/Loyalist does not represent what it is to be Protestant nor what it is to be English(British). They are a culture of the past, very very distant, they only represent themselves and not any of us... This is not what it is to be Protestant, smashing up the towm, burning out cars, attacking people, In England you would be called "Scumbags" and rightly so... what's Protestant about this???? We will not let them tarnish our faith.... English Republicans for a United Ireland have spoken....

Thank you for reading, Dan, ERUI



Days of Royalty have passed, Its time for No Class System. We protest for an United Ireland, and Independent Republics of England, Wales, Cornwall & Scotland, and a Mann, Jersey & Guernsey free from the Crown. The "British State" to surrender its overseas occupied Territories.... We also support Independence movements all over the World, protest for a free Palestine, Worldwide Socialist movements, freedom of speech, movement, religion, expression... 



EDL, KKK, NF-BNP, UKIP, Muslim Haters & Homophobic content will be mocked and then Banned!!!

Our Team;

Nigel 'Nigle' Sparrow



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