Sunday 28 July 2013


!GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! I hear the Loyalist cry!! (well its normally just GSTQ)

BUT WHAT DOES she do?? Well, not a lot for a nice wage of £40million a year, this is from OUR tax, not profits from her properties and businesses [and she has just been granted a pay-rise] and that doesn't include the rest of her "Special" family.

The Queen of England as a Monarch and the Head of State receives around £40 million a year, that's for her, not for them all, and the money goes towards a number of resources which enable "Her Majesty" to carry out her official duties. These include: Royal travel for official engagements (The Royal Gold carriage maybe?) in the country and overseas; fly to Canada to cut a ribbon on a new School, now schools are important, but they could of build another class room with the money spent on getting the Queen from palace to Canada, on private Jet, she doesnt fly Ryanair. the maintenance of Royal residences used for formal entertaining and ceremonial events, i wonder if the gardeners get a million a year? more like £18000(?)

Below is From the Official Royal website (Web-master? must be Queeny herself?)

"Members of the Royal Family support The Queen in her many State and national duties, as well as carrying out important work in the areas of public and charitable service, and helping to strengthen national unity and stability. Those who undertake official duties are members of The Queen's close family: her children and their spouses, and The Queen's cousins (the children of King George VI's brothers) and their spouses. Younger members of the Royal Family who are presently in education or military training - such as Prince William and Prince Harry - do not undertake official duties full-time, but often play a role in important national events and commemorations. Every year the Royal Family as a whole carries out over 2,000 official engagements throughout the UK and worldwide

The huge range of these organisations - covering every subject from education to the environment, hospitals to housing - allows members of the Royal Family to meet people from a wide spectrum of national and local life, and to understand their interests, problems and concerns. 2,000: the number of official engagements carried out by the Royal Family each year in the UK and overseas. 70,000: the number of people entertained each year to dinners, lunches, receptions and garden parties at the Royal residences. 100,000: the number of letters received and answered each year by the Royal Family."

Its time this out of date relic of the dark ages was abolished


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