Monday 29 July 2013

Flag of Saint David

Flag of Saint David - Patron Saint of Cymru (Wales)

READ MORE;'t_St._David's_Cross_included_on_the_UK_Union_Flag_along_with_the_three_others

Llyn Celyn - Wales - Free Wales Army

Llyn Celyn is a large reservoir constructed between 1960 and 1965 in the valley of the River Tryweryn in Gwynedd, North Wales. It measures roughly 2 and a half miles long by a mile wide, and has a maximum depth of 140 ft (43 m). It has the capacity to hold 71,200 megalitres of water.

The Tryweryn Bill was passed by Parliament on 1 August 1957. This was a private measure, sponsored by Liverpool City Council and passed by Harold Macmillan's Conservative government, with the support of Henry Brooke, the Minister for Welsh Affairs. The measure allowed for the compulsory purchase of land to build the reservoir. The scheme was opposed by most of the Welsh Members of Parliament, but they were powerless to stop the development because the government was determined to push the Bill through Parliament. The local authorities did not have a voice in the decision either and this caused great resentment.The political parties in Wales were united in their opposition to the scheme because it was considered an affront to Wales that valuable resources were being taken away from the country.

The agricultural value of the land was high compared to some land that could have been considered, and it was felt that other possibilities had not been given proper consideration. Also, there was a feeling of sadness because a community was being shattered and families who had lived in the area for generations were forced to leave their homes. The local inhabitants were determined to oppose the scheme to the bitter end, and demonstrations and petitions were organised. In 1956 the Tryweryn Defence Committee was formed and it included some of Wales' most prominent and revered personalities, including Ifan ab Owen Edwards, Megan Lloyd George, T. I. Ellis, and Lord Ogmore. Many other branches of the committee were formed, including the Capel Celyn Defence Committee and the Liverpool branch of the Tryweryn Defence Committee.

Although opposition to the scheme did not come only from Welsh nationalists, the Tryweryn cause inspired Plaid Cymru, and provided an impetus to its campaigns. In September 1956 Plaid Cymru held a Save Tryweryn Rally in Bala, leading a procession of protesters through the centre of Bala. The Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Alderman J. H. Morgan, called a Save Tryweryn meeting in October 1956, when over 300 representatives from local government and trade unions, and 10 MPs were present. Alderman Huw T Edwards was appointed the chairman and it was decided to send a delegation from the conference to Liverpool to appeal for a change of heart. Mr D R Grenfell MP, the Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Huw T Edwards , Councillor Emrys Owen and Dr R Robinson were chosen to represent the meeting. In November 1956 a procession, led by Gwynfor Evans and including 70 of the villagers, was held in Liverpool to oppose the reservoir, but the Liverpool councillors voted to go ahead with the proposed scheme. In August 1957 Gwynfor Evans proposed that Meirionnydd County Council could build a reservoir in Cwm Croes, where only one farm would be affected, and sell the water from the reservoir to Liverpool Corporation.

On three occasions between 1962 and 1963 there were attempts to sabotage the building of the reservoir. On 10 February 1963 a transmitter exploded on the site and an Aberystwyth student, Emyr Llywelyn Jones, was sentenced to prison for twelve months for his part in the act. When he was sentenced, two members of 'MAC' (Mudiad Amddiffyn Cymru), Owain Williams and John Albert Jones, blew up a pylon at Gellilydan. The scheme went ahead despite public opposition, and Celyn lake was officially opened on 28 October 1965. New roads had to be built since the road from Bala to Ffestiniog was drowned, and the total cost of the project was £20 million. Celyn lake held a capacity of 71,200 mega litres of water, the biggest dam in Wales. There is a memorial on the side of the lake and a memorial garden, and the grave stones from Capel Celyn cemetery have been moved there. At the opening ceremony, where the Lord Mayor of Liverpool was present, a protest was held which included the appearance in military uniforms of the Free Wales Army. A recruiting campaign by the Free Wales Army (FWA) had started in 1963, but the Tryweryn protest was the first occasion where members had appeared in a public protest. Pictures of the FWA during an arms drill were later released, but there was no evidence to suggest that they were actively involved in violent activities. In 1969 the ringleaders were arrested and six of them, including the leader Julian Cayo Evans, were sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment.


Movement for the Defence of Wales

Mudiad Amddiffyn Cymru - Movement for the Defence of Wales

MAC was a Welsh Nationalist group that committed arson attacks in the early sixties.

The group's origins were in protests against the 1963 flooding of a Welsh village to create the Tryweryn reservoir to provide water for Liverpool. The group was reformed in 1967 by leader John Jenkins, this time protesting the investiture of the Prince of Wales with an organised bombing campaign.The group planned to launch a bomb attack on the day of the investiture, 1 July 1969, apparently targeting the railway on which the royal train would be travelling. The plan went badly wrong and the bomb detonated at some council offices in Abergele, killing two men. The victims, Alwyn Jones and George Taylor, were generally assumed to have been planting the bomb, although Taylor's daughter has argued that her father may have been trying to prevent the attack. The group also planted a bomb at Llandudno pier in an attempt to prevent Royal Yacht Britannia from docking, although it did not go off. Jenkins was arrested in 1969 and the group was dissolved.


Fe Godwn Ni Eto - Tiocfaidh Ár Lá

Fe Godwn Ni Eto - Tiocfaidh Ár Lá

The Free Wales Army (Welsh: Byddin Rhyddid Cymru) was a paramilitary Welsh nationalist organisation, formed in Lampeter, Mid Wales, by William Julian Cayo-Evans in 1963. Its objective was to establish an independent Welsh republic.

The Byddin Rhyddid Cymru first appeared in public at a 1965 protest against the construction of the Llyn Celyn reservoir. In 1966 they took part in Irish celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Easter Rising, marching in Dublin. A 1967 interview with David Frost brought the group to the attention of a wider audience. The group courted publicity, and its leaders attracted a great deal of media attention with extravagant claims of financial support from millionaires, links with the IRA and ETA - Basque Freedom Fighters, dogs trained to carry explosives, etc. Members wore home-made uniforms and marched in historic sites like Machynlleth, as well as carrying out manoeuvres with small arms and explosives in the Welsh countryside and claiming responsibility for many of Mudiad Amddiffyn Cymru's bombings. They also advocated for families of victims of the Aberfan disaster whose compensation claims were being blocked, "marching on their behalf and working behind the scenes for them"

The group was generally not taken seriously by the media, and one government memo warned against "taking the organisation's activities too seriously," saying this "would give to it an unmerited importance and publicity which its leaders are plainly seeking" However, against a backdrop of Welsh nationalist bombings and protests against the investiture of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales the FWA presented an appealing target to the government, and in 1969 nine members were arrested and charged with public order offences. The trial, in Swansea, lasted 53 days, ending on the day of the investiture. On the first day of the trial the defendants were "greeted with an impromptu recital of Land of My Fathers from the public gallery." Almost all of the prosecution's evidence came from journalists who had reported the group's claims. Evans, his second-in-command, Dennis Coslett (who refused to speak English throughout the trial), and four other members were convicted; Evans and Coslett spent 15 months in jail.

The Army's motto was "Fe godwn ni eto," Welsh for "We will rise again." Its crest was Eryr Wen, a white eagle mounted on dark green shield, commonly seen in shorthand, with the flag of Wales on the top left hand corner.

The FWA was rumoured to have received arms from the Official IRA, although Evans later denied this. In Ireland, one rumour—used against the Official IRA by its rivals within Irish Republicanism, was that the Official IRA had given or sold most of its weapons to the FWA as part of its turn away from political violence, leaving it defenceless when intercommunal violence erupted in North of Ireland in August 1969. Scott Millar, co-author of a history of the Official IRA, writes that there was contact between the two groups (including FWA members training in Ireland) but no large-scale transfer of arms took place.

Down with the Crown, Cymru WILL BE FREE!!!!

A Free Wales Soldier stands in front of Anti-Charles Graffiti before his investiture


Sunday 28 July 2013

From the excellent facebook site
Irish Holocaust- Push to Educate the Facts

"According to Public Health Chronicles the hospital often treated up to 8,000 patients per year and in an effort to curtail the dangerous spread of disease they simply carried the dead from their beds to the grave. No death certificates were issued and no burial records were kept.

Their bodies were placed in trenches throughout the cemetery, near the hospital and also all the way up the hill on the 30 acre property, now stretching towards the Silver Lake Golf Course.

Lynn Rogers, executive director of the Friends of Abandoned Cemeteries of Staten Island (FACSI) said, “This facility simply couldn’t handle the volume of people dying. They also had 1850s mass emigration from Germany so the facility got slammed.”

Jennifer Hyatt-Morgan, a FACSI volunteer, transcribed the facility’s mortality schedule during an eight month period, selecting only the Irish. During that short period 650 died, according to the records.

Rogers said, “There’s two cemeteries. There’s the one that became the parking lot and there’s another one that today is a huge golf course and that’s where they buried the majority of them. There absolutely is thousands of bodies there.

“The reason they made the cemetery into a golf course in the 1920s /1930s is because there are just too many remains in there. There must be tens of thousands.”

We thank Corbis for the image and Irish Hunger wordpress page for the info.

We also have a link to those whose names have been recorded. It is a small selection. (MAC)

Erin Go Bragh

This flag has long been known as a flag representing Irish Pride. The words "Erin Go Bragh" or "Erin Go Braugh" is translated from Irish as "Forever Ireland." The flag was also used in the Mexican-American war by St. Patrick's Battalion, a battalion of Mexican soldiers and Irish and German immigrants to America, who joined with the Mexicans to fight. While there is no exact account of the flag flown, it is said to have had the Irish Harp with the words "Erin Go Bragh" underneath and on the other side of the flag St. Patrick. The Irish and Germans who fought with the Mexicans were considered traitors by the American's at the time and hero's by the Mexicans, who saw them as Catholics assisting other Catholics in need.

Today, the flag remains a symbol of Irish pride and is flown all over the world to represent the connection or link back to Ireland.



Kernow Bys Vyken

Cornish nationalism - Kernow Bys Vyken!!!!!!

Cornish nationalism is a term that refers to a cultural, political and social movement based in Cornwall (Cornish; Kernow), which has been administered as part of England, within the United Kingdom, but had never been formally incorporated into England via an Act of Union. It is usually based on three general arguments.....

a) That Cornwall has a Celtic cultural identity separate from that of England, and that the Cornish people have a national, civic or ethnic identity separate from that of English people;

b) That Cornwall should be granted a degree of devolution or autonomy, usually in the form of a Cornish national assembly;

c) And that Cornwall is legally a territorial and constitutional Duchy with the right to veto Westminster legislation, not merely a county of England, and has never been formally incorporated into England via an Act of Union

"Cornwall bans use of 'England' in tourism promotional material"

I (Penny)

I (Penny) speak to the Irish Republicans i know, Irish men and woman, my friends, who live in England, and those i speak to on Facebook daily, and indeed comment on ERUI, the Republican movement seems very progressive, and does change with the times, and in contrast to that the basics of the Loyalist that are very out of date, fill with Hatred, bigotry, and does not Represent the people of the rest of the "British" isles what so ever, even though the Loyalist believes that that England supports them, and they honour England with the Loyalist show of "Britishness", apart from the far Right, the average Englishman/woman has moved with the times, its no longer about "Queen & Empire", we dont line our streets with Union Flags or St Georges Cross (sorting evens are an exception) When i've see streets in Belfast and all the Union flags everywhere, it reminds me of when i was young, and my walls were covered in Take That posers, i loved them but did they ever love me back?... if they had seen my room, they may have said i was a "saddo"?, especially at the age of 21

The average English person is more Interested in the arrival of the "Royal Baby" because of the media hype and the "celebrity" status of the Royal Family at the moment, the Royals are celebrities... Who really would "Bow" to these people any more, who would "Bow" to anyone? are we not all equal? They are celebrities now that is all, not people to be worshipped because of past glories, imperialist conquests, and an "Nobel" bloodline. England is a country obsessed with Big Brother and that Jungle program, X-Factor and Britains Got Talent, the queen's Jubilee and the Olympics put the Royals in the big frame once again (the TV frame) as soon as nothing interesting happens with them for a while, No scandals, No Weddings, No one will care any more, the average Joe or Jane, will only be worried with who will win X-Factor 2014...

Just note, im not saying all English are brainless and just watch TV all day, i mean the people that say "i love the Queen", does not love the Queen for the same reason the average Loyalist does... Would a Loyalist jump in-front of a bullet to protect "Her Highness"? Would Dave from down the road who's having a pint in the "Black Bull Pub" in East London do the same? maybe he would(?) as its a human instinct to protect others... but would he do it out of pure love and respect for "Her Highness"? WOULD BE FUCK!!!! "I am a Citizen, not a Subject"

For a lot of the English now its about Moving forward, Equality, Freedom, Dignity, Education and Expecting other cultures, religions and people, we are an multicultural society now, some grudgingly expect that (Centre-Left), others embrace that (the Left), but its not about who country is the most powerful, who owns most of the world's resources and lands...

Im talking about citizens here, not the Westminster, but thats a whole other story/rant... Our current government got in on a sham of an election...

Not hanging onto a shell of an Empire... Sometimes i think we are living half in the modern world, and half in the dark ages... BNP-NF, OO-UVF, EDL-and the so called WelshDL(?), UKIP, and even the Tories, do NOT represent the average person in this country and the countries of these isles....

Anyway, Ireland remember we stand beside you! Loyalist just who are you loyal to?

Thank you *Penny


I do not pretend to know it all, I am English after all Living in England i am a long way from Ireland and indeed the issues in the North.... But i do hope i come across as an Educated commenter on Republican politics, and not just a Englishman who "Knows shit-all about the troubles and stuff" I will also listen to Criticism, and pay attention if i have said something wrong or offensive, and need correcting.... I've always been a big believer in "EDUCATE, Don't CRITICISE" if someone doesn't know something, teach them! *dan

Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia, Canada

The flag of Nova Scotia, created in 1858, is a banner of the coat of arms of Nova Scotia, which were granted to the Scottish colony by Charles I, in 1625. The flag of the modern Canadian province, a blue saltire on a white field, is a simple figure-ground reversal of the flag of Scotland, a white saltire, Saint Andrew's cross, on a blue field, charged with the arms of Scotland, a gold shield with a red lion rampant surrounded by a double border decorated with fleurs de lis). The arms do not appear on Scotland's flag - they were added to Nova Scotia's to distinguish the flag from the Naval Ensign of Russia which is also a blue saltire on a white field.


Starry Plough

The Starry Plough banner was originally used by the Irish Citizen Army, a socialist, Republican movement. James Connolly, co-founder of the Irish Citizen Army with Jack White, said the significance of the banner was that a free Ireland would control its own destiny from the plough to the stars. The original Starry plough was unveiled in 1914 and flown by the Irish Citizen Army during the 1916 Easter Rising. The flag depicts the constellation of Ursa Major, known as The Plough in Ireland and "Great Britain", or in the US, the Big Dipper. *James

Y Wladfa

Y Wladfa, the Welsh Colony in Patagonia, was established in 1865, when over 150 people from various parts of Wales sailed on the Mimosa to settle in the Chubut Valley, in Southern Argentina. Over the following fifty years, hundreds of Welsh people emigrated there, establishing towns such as Porth Madryn in the New Bay; Rawson, Gaiman, Trelew and Dolavon in the valley; and Trevelin in Cwm Hyfryd. Many of their descendants also live in Esquel, at the foot of the Andes; in Comodoro Rivadavia (the largest town in the province); in Colonia Sarmiento - and many other provinces throughout Argentina. They created thriving Welsh communities, in which the Welsh language was prominent; in cooperation with the Argentine Government, and in peaceful co-existence with the native population - the only example of non-violent colonisation in the history of the American continent 

Breton nationalism


Breton nationalism is the nationalism of the traditional province of Brittany in France. Brittany is considered to be one of the six Celtic nations (along with Cornwall, Ireland, Wales, the Isle of Man and Scotland). Like the nationalism of many neighbouring regions, Breton nationalism combines political as well as cultural aspects. The political aspirations of Breton nationalists include the desire to obtain the right to self-rule, whether within France or independently of it, and to acquire more power in the European Union, United Nations and other international institutions. Cultural nationalists also seek a reinvigoration of Breton music, traditions and symbols, and the forging of strong links with other Celtic nations. The French government's official position is to consider Brittany as a part of France, a position claimed to date from the time when the March of Neustria was controlled by Roland, but dating officially from the dynastic marriage in 1491 of Anne, Duchess of Brittany with the king of France. This could include a range of views, from allowing Brittany a devolved government to curbing wishes for independence.



Its sad to say but a lot of English seem to think the Isle of Man (Manx; Ellan Vannin) is part of the "United Kingdom" or some say "England"... it has never been part of the UK, however it is ruled (owned) by The English Crown...

"The Isle of Man otherwise known simply as Mann, is a self-governing "British Crown" Dependency, located in the Irish Sea between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II, who holds the title of Lord of Mann. After a period of alternating rule by the kings of Scotland and England, the island came under the feudal lordship of the English Crown in 1399. The lordship revested into the British Crown in 1764, but the island never became part of the kingdom of the UK"


Operation Demetrius

Operation Demetrius was a British Army operation in The North of Ireland on 9–10 August 1971. It involved the mass arrest and internment (imprisonment without trial) of 342 people suspected of being involved with Provos and Official IRA

"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights restricts the use of internment. Article 9 states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile"

Internment is illegal, but it still happens in the North Of Ireland today....


Operation Folklore

Operation Folklore

"A plan to impose British control in the Six Counties through a military assault on nationalist areas has been revealed in government papers released by the British Public Records Office. The plan, codenamed Operation Folklore, was being formulated in late 1973, and envisaged allowing British soldiers to open fire, with comprehensive legal immunity, on unarmed civilians" //

I look at the "Royals"

I look at the "Royals", and i think of the films & dramas that show England like it was 200+ years ago, days of Knights fighting Dragons, and Wizards fighting Witches!!! ... Do we really need all this in 2013? Bowing to one family? what makes them so special? *penny


"The re-establishment of an independent sovereign socialist republic of England outside the UK"

The Union Jack Man

"A pensioner known as "The Union Jack Man" has spent nine days outside St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, waiting for the birth of the royal baby."



Renee Davis posted to us saying "Your page is excellent & I sorry to hear of your issues but really it is a badge of honour as this sort of thing is happening to many, thus disproving the urban myth as regards freedom of speech. That only exists if your are singing from the *right* side of the hymn sheet. Yet racist sites, sites promoting paedophilia & rape, sites mocking those with physical & mental problems etc are allowed to remain despite reporting by many. Thank you for highlighting this important subject"

Well said Renee 
*Penny x


To all the loyalists/pro-Union bigots that are currently liking this page and mouthing off... (Prick, Cunt, Wanker, TERRORIST!! just the same insults being posted again and again it would seen, yawn) Who are you loyal to? the English Crown? the English motherland? Do you bow down to the Queen that Rules & lives in the country i live in? Do you love the English Army? Well im sorry to say, you do not have as much support in ENGLAND as you think? Sure, all the far right knuckle dragging fascist boneheads all love you... But they also love Hitler and hate anyone who is not WHITE! so yeah, i guess you should be happy, that the ones that you are Loyal to, some like you back... just a shame they are all rapists, racists and drug addicts.... GET A CLUE, no self respecting English man supports your loony-toon crazy ass "Culture" .... Its time your "Culture" was retired and something to be read in the history books, you are 300 years behind, not only the mainland, but the rest of the World!

British disinterest in Northern Ireland is often explicit.

British disinterest in Northern Ireland is often explicit.

For example, the Conservative secretary of state for Northern Ireland, Sir Patrick Mayhew stated in a speech in Coleraine in December 1992 that although the British government would respect the wishes of the majority the aspiration to a united Ireland was 'no less legitimate' than that of Unionists to be part of Britain.

Later on he said that Britain had no economic or strategic interest in Northern Ireland, repeating this a few months later in an interview with "Die Zeit" when he actually declared that Britain would leave the province 'with pleasure' - although he later took back the 'pleasure'.


English Republicans for a United Ireland II

would like to say;

We sometimes get things wrong, or use the wrong words... please have some patience with us We are English Republicans, we did not grow up in Ireland, we did not learn all the histories from a young age, nothing was mentioned in schools, or on the TV, in fact we all grew up hearing jokes mocking the Irish, and our folks telling us how amazing Britain is, and how we need to respect the Royals, because they are somehow "Special", and how the British Empire "civilised" the world, with no mention of murder and killing, just "Tea" Companies and trade... [ ]

As we grew up and become adults, we started to form opinions of our own, we learnt right from wrong & saw this "British State" in not the same rose tinted glasses our parents did...

We support a United Ireland, and Independence for the countries that make up this outdated "Union" ... but we never pretend to know it all how can we, we are English. If we make a mistake, please correct us, if we say something that is offensive, we apologise... remember we are always learning 

Our posts are never going to be worded as if we are Irish Republicans, because we are not, We learn from talking to people, and knowing people who have protested for freedoms denied by the English(British) state/crown... Be that, the Irish man down the local Pub, or a family member who was born and grew up in Dublin.

As we have always said "EDUCATE don't CRITICISE" 

Much love, Penny x


I'm going to post this EVERYDAY, just to get the message across to the Loyalist & that keep calling me a Protestant hater & a Bigot.... I am not Catholic, i was brought up (some say dragged up) a Protestant, so by your logic, i hate my family whom are mostly Church Of England - Baptist (my Gran later converted Mormon, but we wont go into that just now) This page is NOT, see the capitalised not? This page is NOT about Religion or Faith. Its about Irish Unity, Living on these isles free from the Royals, Independences for the counties of these isles free from London rule (We don't mind London running England, Even though they are a bunch of shits, a left wing government would be nice, not the fucking Tories), We opposed Right Wing Facist Boneheads and promote Socialism! We also support the Palestinians plight, and Independence movements around the world.... 

and to those Loylists who call me a "traitor" to ENGLAND... i am not traitor, i am English, England has moved on with the times, "Traitor", no i represent the decent people of my country of birth. You are seeing England through 50 year old specks.

The Admins of this page are all born in England, some are of the Protestant some are not, Some are Religious some are not.... We would just like to say, the OrangeOrder/Loyalist does not represent what it is to be Protestant nor what it is to be English(British). They are a culture of the past, very very distant, they only represent themselves and not any of us... This is not what it is to be Protestant, smashing up the towm, burning out cars, attacking people, In England you would be called "Scumbags" and rightly so... what's Protestant about this???? We will not let them tarnish our faith.... English Republicans for a United Ireland have spoken....

Thank you for reading, Dan, ERUI



Days of Royalty have passed, Its time for No Class System. We protest for an United Ireland, and Independent Republics of England, Wales, Cornwall & Scotland, and a Mann, Jersey & Guernsey free from the Crown. The "British State" to surrender its overseas occupied Territories.... We also support Independence movements all over the World, protest for a free Palestine, Worldwide Socialist movements, freedom of speech, movement, religion, expression... 



EDL, KKK, NF-BNP, UKIP, Muslim Haters & Homophobic content will be mocked and then Banned!!!

Our Team;

Nigel 'Nigle' Sparrow



[visit our sister page ]


GUERNSEY does not belong to The Crown

Guernésiais, also known as Dgèrnésiais, Guernsey French, and Guernsey Norman French, is the variety of the Norman language spoken in Guernsey. It is sometimes known on the island simply as "patois" it has its roots in Latin, but had strong influence from both Norse and English at different points in its history


JERSEY does not belong to The Crown

Jèrriais is the form of the Norman language spoken in Jersey, in the Channel Islands, off the coast of France. It has been in decline over the past century as English has increasingly become the language of education, commerce and administration. There are very few people who speak Jèrriais as a mother tongue.



THE ONLY FLAG OF ULSTER is the Ulster Province Flag

The Flag of Ulster is a historic banner used to represent Ulster, one of the four provinces of Ireland (Leinster, Ulster, Munster and Connacht). The Red Hand of Ulster is a symbol derived from the O'Neill dynasty who were historic monarchs of the provincial kingdom, while the gold background featuring a red cross comes from the coat of arms of the Burkes, a Hiberno-Norman noble family, Yes Ireland had Royalty.

The legend states; the Red Hand of Ulster reputedly dates to the arrival of Heremon, Heber and Ir - sons of King Milesius of Galicia (currently occupied by the Kingdom of Spain), who were dispatched to conquer Ireland in 504 BC. One of them supposedly cut off his hand and tossed it ashore, that he might be the one to have first claim to the land. There is another story about the hand belonging to one of two giants engaged in battle, whose hand was cut off in the process and left a red imprint on the rocks. A third story recounts how Uí Néill and a man named Dermott both wished to be king of Ulster. The High King suggested a horse race across the land. As the two came in sight of the ending point, it seemed that Dermott would win, so Uí Néill cut his hand off and threw it. It reached the goal ahead of Dermott's horse, winning for Uí Néill the crown of Ulster. Ultimately the story derives from Celtic mythology of the Silver Hand of Lir.

THE ULSTER BANNER is a hate symbol of British dominion in the north

The red hand is also used for the "Ulster Banner" the flag flown by Loyalists in the North, to represent the 6 occupied counties of "Northern Ireland" (the province of Ulster has 9 counties, 3 of which are in the South [Rep of Ireland]). The Ulster Banner or the Red Hand of Ulster flag was the flag of the Government of Northern Ireland between 1953 and 1972. Since that government was abolished in 1972, the flag has become a symbol of Ulster loyalism, frequently used as a hate symbol, and flown to show "British" dominion in the North, and is not permitted to be flown from government buildings, this saw a rise in use of the Union Flag (Jack). The flag is a heraldic banner taken from the coat of arms granted in 1924 which is based on the flag of England (St George's Cross) and the flag of Ulster, with the addition of a crown to symbolise the loyalty of Ulster unionists to the English Royal Family. As with the flag of Ulster, it contains the Red Hand of Ulster at the centre. The six pointed star represents the six occupied counties that make up "Northern Ireland"

The only True flag of Ulster is the ULSTER province FLAG!!!!


People are asking us, what reason did FB give for deleting ERUI - I, this was all we got when we logged in, we clicked the appeal button, and a few hours later our page disappeared from our Admin panels, and a couple of our Admins had 12 hour bans on personal FB accounts... The same thing happened to the amazing LAD page the very same night, we think someone at FB just decided to go on a Republican page Kill

*penny x

also Like LAD, the best Loyalist mocking site on the Internet


Pages over FB furious that we had our page Deleted by FB-CIA-CROWN... Freedom of Speech is something that should be UPHELD by the law, not DENIED!!! So many EDLBNPNFKKK pages on FB spewing out Hate, thriving on FB.... We oppose the Far-Rights agenda, but i guess its the Far-Right that keep this Government in the dark ages? i for one, did not vote Tory.... "Like" Republic Of Australia, and help promote a Crown free Oz  *penny

QE2 - Years on the Throne

"The number of states headed by Queen Elizabeth II has varied during her 61 years on the throne, altogether seeing her as head of state of a total of thirty-two independent countries during this period. The 16 that presently have her as sovereign, known as Commonwealth realms, are shown in light green, while the remainder show in dark green the reign of Elizabeth II as their monarch, from their independence until their adoption of
a republican form of government.

In her capacity as Queen of the United Kingdom (including the British overseas territories), she has also been monarch of three Crown Dependencies, Guernsey, Jersey, and Mann, since her accession in 1952. In her capacity as Queen of New Zealand, she has also been monarch of two associated states: the Cook Islands and Niue, since they acquired this status in 1965 and 1974, respectively.

The government of the unrecognised state of Rhodesia proclaimed its allegiance to Elizabeth II as queen of Rhodesia from 1965 to 1970. However, she did not accept either the role or the title and it was not accepted or recognized by any other state.
Fiji is a unique case. The country became a republic through a military coup in 1987, after which its Great Council of Chiefs continued to recognise Elizabeth II as queen, or Paramount Chief, until the council's de-establishment on 14 March 2012. However, this was only a ceremonial title, with no role in government at all"

Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
The Gambia
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
St Vincent and the Grenadines
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
Trinidad and Tobago
Isle Of Man
"Northern Ireland"(sic)



Smash the Fash

The people of England are ready to Smash the Fash once again... We didnt want you before, we do not want you now! DOWN WITH THE BNPNFEDLKKK


!GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! I hear the Loyalist cry!! (well its normally just GSTQ)

BUT WHAT DOES she do?? Well, not a lot for a nice wage of £40million a year, this is from OUR tax, not profits from her properties and businesses [and she has just been granted a pay-rise] and that doesn't include the rest of her "Special" family.

The Queen of England as a Monarch and the Head of State receives around £40 million a year, that's for her, not for them all, and the money goes towards a number of resources which enable "Her Majesty" to carry out her official duties. These include: Royal travel for official engagements (The Royal Gold carriage maybe?) in the country and overseas; fly to Canada to cut a ribbon on a new School, now schools are important, but they could of build another class room with the money spent on getting the Queen from palace to Canada, on private Jet, she doesnt fly Ryanair. the maintenance of Royal residences used for formal entertaining and ceremonial events, i wonder if the gardeners get a million a year? more like £18000(?)

Below is From the Official Royal website (Web-master? must be Queeny herself?)

"Members of the Royal Family support The Queen in her many State and national duties, as well as carrying out important work in the areas of public and charitable service, and helping to strengthen national unity and stability. Those who undertake official duties are members of The Queen's close family: her children and their spouses, and The Queen's cousins (the children of King George VI's brothers) and their spouses. Younger members of the Royal Family who are presently in education or military training - such as Prince William and Prince Harry - do not undertake official duties full-time, but often play a role in important national events and commemorations. Every year the Royal Family as a whole carries out over 2,000 official engagements throughout the UK and worldwide

The huge range of these organisations - covering every subject from education to the environment, hospitals to housing - allows members of the Royal Family to meet people from a wide spectrum of national and local life, and to understand their interests, problems and concerns. 2,000: the number of official engagements carried out by the Royal Family each year in the UK and overseas. 70,000: the number of people entertained each year to dinners, lunches, receptions and garden parties at the Royal residences. 100,000: the number of letters received and answered each year by the Royal Family."

Its time this out of date relic of the dark ages was abolished




We have to deal with these loonies Day in, Day in, in our Towns and Cities, they are just racist parasites...

"Is "Britain"'s far right preparing for armed conflict? And could a catastrophe of the kind that struck Norway last summer be on its way here? An academic survey of more than 2,000 BNP, EDL and Ukip supporters suggests that a hardcore of far-right supporters in this country believe violent conflict between ethnic, religious and racial groups is inevitable. Even more alarmingly, two-fifths of BNP supporters appear to consider armed conflict "always or sometimes" justifiable."

No Irish need apply

That’s what many of my people encountered when they arrived in America. That was in an era when it was legal to discriminate against an ethnic group, or a gender or disability, for that matter, when seeking employees and renters.
Many of us came to America because of the Great Potato Famine (1845-1852), which was a natural disaster (potato blight, a fungus, killed the crops on which most of us depended for survival) aggravated by political aggression (England, which ruled Ireland at the time, did little/nothing to help its Irish subjects).
About a million of us died and another million left. Ireland’s population dropped by 25%, but those who remained renewed their sense of national identity and pride, fueling the nationalism that eventually led to Irish independence.
When we came to America, though, we were the wretched and unwanted refuse. We took awful jobs and lived in awful places because that was all that we could get.
150 years ago, no one would have pretended to be Irish, on St. Patrick’s Day or any other.
In two days, the annual mimicry and parade of leprechauns and shamrock shakes and cheesy brogues (that’s the name for an Irish accent – if you don’t know that then you shouldn’t do it) will reach its annual zenith and then, mercifully, end for another year.
How strange does it get?
In 1855, a German immigrant named Frederick Miller founded a brewery in Milwaukee. In 2002, South African Breweries bought Miller Brewing Company from Philip Morris. In 2007, SouthAfricanBreweriesMiller merged its U. S. operations with MolsonCoors.
There’s a current television ad for Miller 64, a crappy beer named, not for its flavor, but for its calorie count per bottle.
The ad, for this beer named after a German brewer and made by a South African/Canadian/American conglomerate, features what sounds like an Irish drinking song, in one of those cheesy brogues that you’ll hear everywhere this weekend.
The marketing staff at SouthAfricanBreweriesMillerCoors expect you to buy this beer because it sounds Irish, and we all know that the Irish drink beer, when they’re not catching leprechauns or something, maybe fighting, who knows?
This weekend, you can go ahead and put blue dye into your Miller 64. I promise that the beer won’t hurt the flavor of the dye.
While you’re drinking it, though, please give a thought to the inherently green Irish love of nature, and our embrace of the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, and our stubborn determination to survive and thrive. We found a way.
Marvel at how we went from “No Irish need apply” to “Everyone’s Irish on St. Patty’s Day.”
Then find yourself a good, tasty, local beer, something in green packaging, and drink the beer and recycle the package (or the reverse, if it’s a Miller 64).


Gibraltar is not British

Gibraltar is not British... another relic of ancient times, just like the so called "Country" of Northern Ireland... Ireland is Irish, Gibraltar is Spanish



The Fenians were members of the so-called Fenian movement in Ireland and elsewhere, though primarily America and England . The Fenians wanted one simple desire for Ireland - independence from British rule. The Great Famine had a massive impact on Ireland. Some in Ireland believed that the government in London - to solve the 'Irish Problem' - had deliberately done as little as possible to aid the people of Ireland – a form of genocide – and these people concluded that the only hope Ireland had for its future was a complete separation from Great Britain. If London was unwilling to grant this, then the Fenians would fight for it.

The Easter Rising

"The Easter Uprising took place in April 1916 in Dublin and is one of the pivotal events in modern Irish history. At the end of the Easter Uprising, 15 men identified as leaders were executed at Kilmainham Jail. To some, these men were traitors, to others they became heroes. Why did a small group of people try to take on the military might of what was then one of the world’s major powers?"

"In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives the old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag, and strikes for her freedom"




So in the last couple of days - FOUR Republican Facebook pages have been deleted.

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Too many in one chop? and these are the pages we know about?

Don't let facebook CENSOR our Republican cause, We have the right to Free Speech, and we WILL express it.... Racists Right-Wing EDLBNPNFKKK pages are ripe on FB, yet we get DELETED!!! We will not take this without a fight, be it a cyber fight, but a fight... PLEASE share this post and let others know what FB is upto!!!!

so please LIKE these pages once again


2. LoyalistsAgainstDamacracy (Loyalist Parody page)


4. Irish Republican History & Remembrance is now running as a blogger


ERUI Penny xx